Testimonials are Custom Post Types in Justshop.
Go to Testimonials > Add New and put in your entries for each item.
On the testimonial editor page, you will find options to:
- Enter Gravatar email address (If you enter this, thumbnail for this client will be fetched from his gravatar. If not, you can upload a custom thumbnail from Featured image section just on right side of this Gravatar field)
- Byline (Post of the client ie: CEO of Blah, blah...)
- URL (URL of client's site)
You can also use a widget called JS-Testimonials to show testimonials on front end of site.
Usage of 'Testimonials' Shortcode:
You can use testimonials shortcode in any post/page/custom post type or also in a sidebar text widget or as a template tag.
Basic usage: [templatation_testimonials]
To use it in template files (i.e. usage in .php files):
<?php do_action( 'templatation_testimonials' ); ?>
An example:
[templatation_testimonials limit="10" size="100"]
The other parameters available for this shortcode are (you can use them just like I used limit and size in above example):
- ‘limit’ => 5 (the maximum number of items to display)
- ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’ (how to order the items – accepts all default WordPress ordering options)
- ‘order’ => ‘DESC’ (the order direction)
- ‘id’ => 0 (display a specific item)
- ‘display_author’ => true (whether or not to display the author information)
- ‘display_avatar’ => true (whether or not to display the author avatar)
- ‘display_url’ => true (whether or not to display the URL information)
- ‘echo’ => true (whether to display or return the data – useful with the template tag)
- ‘size’ => 50 (the pixel dimensions of the image)
- ‘title’ => ” (an optional title)
- ‘before’ => ‘<div>’ (the starting HTML, wrapping the testimonials)
- ‘after’ => ‘</div>’ (the ending HTML, wrapping the testimonials)
- ‘before_title’ => ‘<h2>’ (the starting HTML, wrapping the title)
- ‘after_title’ => ‘</h2>’ (the ending HTML, wrapping the title)
- ‘category’ => 0 (the ID/slug of the category to filter by)
The various options for the “orderby” parameter are:
- ‘none’
- ‘ID’
- ‘title’
- ‘date’
- ‘menu_order’