The following procedure applies for all WordPress Themes.
  1. Install and activate WooSidebars plugin.
  2. Go to Appearance > Widget Areas > Add New.
  3. Give a name and from 'Sidebar To Replace' select 'Primary' from drop down list.
  4. In 'Conditions' section, click on tab Advanced, then you will see many tabs.
  5. Now, for example, if we want to show specific widgets only for Shop page, then click on WooCommerce tab and select check 'on' for Shop Page.
  6. Hit Publish.

  7. Now, go to Appearance > Widgets.
  8. You will see your unique custom sidebar you just created from the above steps.
  9. Simply drag and drop any widgets of your choice inside that widget area.
  10. Go to your shop page and check out these widgets displayed only for that page.

This way you can select and choose to display any widget in any part of your site by creating and applying conditions to a unique sidebar just like above.

See live examples of unique custom sidebars in use in shop pages of:
JustShop Shop page demo
Nicetheme Shop page demo